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    Building Inclusive Communities for Children

    In a world as diverse as ours, the uniqueness of each individual should be celebrated and embraced. For neurodiverse children, those with varying neurological differences such as autism, ADHD, or


    • 09-01-2023
    How Play Enhances Key Skills in Children

    We often marvel at the boundless energy and creativity of our children during their playtime. What may seem like simple fun actually holds immense value in their overall development. Play


    • 08-01-2023
    7 Camp and School Lunch Tips for a Healthy and Happy Day

    Parents often face challenges when it comes to feeding picky eaters and ensuring they receive the necessary nutrients for optimal growth and learning. Here, we bring you seven practical and


    • 07-01-2023
    Nearsightedness in Children: Preventative Measures

    In an age where digital devices are increasingly dominant, it’s important to remember the value of good old-fashioned outdoor time. It can have several benefits, including the benefits for children’s


    • 06-01-2023
    How to Help Your Child Make Friends

    As a parent, you want your child to be happy and successful, both academically and socially. Social development and having meaningful relationships are also crucial for your child’s overall well-being.


    • 05-01-2023
    What Parents Should Know About Childhood Obesity

    Childhood obesity is a growing concern among parents and healthcare professionals alike. The recent release of new pediatric guidelines by the American Academy of Pediatrics provides updated recommendations for screening,


    • 04-01-2023
    Is Gaming time a Waste of Time?

    If your kid enjoys gaming, you might feel frustrated or think he or she is wasting their time. We invite you to kindly put away the misinformation and notions about gaming


    • 03-01-2023
    Why do Students Hate Homework?

    You have probably seen your children not completing their homework. (Ugh!) It is frustrating. You want them to learn and you want them to get good grades. You feel like


    • 02-01-2023
    Strategies for Handling Sibling Rivalry

    Sibling rivalry is jealousy, competition, and fighting between brothers and sisters. It is a concern for almost all parents of two or more kids. Although sibling rivalry is normal —


    • 01-01-2023

    Success Story